After the storms we’ve had in the past week, we want to spotlight a new product. It’s by the makers of the Thunder Shirt ( and it’s called the Calming Cap. The principal is simple.
The Calming Cap is a great way to ease your dog’s anxiety in high-stress situations. The cap fits snugly on your pet’s head, filtering his vision and thereby reducing the visual stimuli that make him agitated. The Cap helps him remain comfortable and confident. Calming Cap features a single-panel sheer fabric window, which offers your dog enough vision to confidently navigate surroundings while reducing the provoking stimulus. Soft fabric and elastic fit provides maximum comfort. Two Velcro® strips wrap around the collar allowing for easy on/off use.
It is important to remember not to overuse the cap. It should go on just before a thunderstorm, and be taken off right after.
Another question we get is how do you know when a thunderstorm is in your area? There is a website called Weather Underground and they have a couple of great sites where you can see live Doppler radar of your town. You can zoom in, zoom out, and even animate the feed to see where the storms are and when, exactly, they will hit.
The other site is by the same company but it is a quick and dirty way to see where the storms are and which way they’re going.
Simply click on the station nearest your town and you’ll get a live view of the Nexrad radar feed. It is color coded so you can instantly see how severe the storm is.
You can download a app for this too.
For Apple and Android products click here…..
The information you get can be used to determine if a storm is actually coming towards you and when it will hit so you can decide what steps need to be taken.
These two products can help you and your dog cope with this summer’s storms!