Now that Summer is *finally* here, a lot of us are looking to swim our dogs. Swimming is one of the very best exercises for a dog and the added benefit of them staying cool while doing so, well, what’s not to like?

Those of us with swimming dogs, the ones that were born to swim with webbed feet and all, don’t have to worry too much when they’re in the water. Goldens, Labs, any of the hunting dogs are all powerful swimmers. That’s all well and good when they are young and full of energy. What about those dogs who are not born swimmers or those goldens and labs who are getting up there in age?  There are a few things you can do to make sure they are safe while in the water.  The easiest thing to do is be careful where they swim. If you go to the ocean, watch the waves and try to keep them in an area where the water isn’t too deep, or the surf too big. Those of you who’s dogs swim in the Merrimac or Picataqua rivers, watching the current can be a life saver.  The next best thing is the use of a long lead. A 20 foot lead will allow your dog to swim, yet, if need be, they can be guided back to shore.

Dog life jackets are excellent for older dogs who may be lacking strength in their legs, or dogs that just can’t swim well. You would be amazed at how well dogs adapt to wearing a life jacket.  Just recently we saw an older golden who was afraid to swim due to weakness in her back legs. Her human bought a life jacket and after a few minutes of trepidation, she reached the point where her paws left the bottom and she started to swim. The look on her face was priceless. She happily paddled about for 15 or 20 minutes then came out and pranced around like a puppy. One word of advice though. Make sure that it has the handles sewn into it. In an emergency, they could make the difference between life and death! (The Pet Pantry sells Kurgo Life Vests)Kurgo live vest






Finally, those of you have a pool, especially an above ground pool, may have worried about your dog falling in or deciding to go for a swim without anyone around to help him out. There is an ingenious product called the Skamper Ramp.  This simple ingenious product is a lightweight plastic ramp that secures to the side of the pool and will allow the dog (or cat, squirrel, or even frog) to walk up and out of the pool. It does not have to remain in the pool but can be kept as an emergency means to get an animal out of a pool. They can also be used on a boat! (The Pet Pantry sells the Skamper Ramps)Skamper ramp

Simple things that can make all the difference in your dogs life. With the hot weather here, a cool swim will keep your dog happy