Earlier this month, The Pet Pantry added a new member to it’s staff. Her name is CinnaBear and her job is to spread the word about the Pet Pantry. She will pick up and deliver our customers dogs, deliver our quality food and lastly, make our store one that stands out among all others.

The name CinnaBear is a tribute to a one of a kind Golden Retriever who had been a fixture at The Pet Pantry since it’s inception. It was Cinnamon who inspired us to research the best foods and treats for dogs. It was a fact that gulden’s lived, on average, only 9 or 10 years, and died from one form of cancer or another. Cinnamon’s half sister died of Lymphoma at a very young age and we were desperate to help Cinny live a long and healthy life. We found out that researchers thought that a dogs diet could be partially responsible.  Years ago, not a lot of thought was put into the making of dog food. Most foods consisted of by products of the meat industry. It was lacking in essential vitamins and minerals. Quality control was poor too and things got even worse when manufacturers started sourcing ingredients from China.

There were manufacturers out there that produced quality foods and treats and Cinnamon was fed nothing but that for her whole life.   She beat the odds and lived almost twice as long as her half sister, so we knew we were doing something right. We decided that our mission would be to make those available right here in Exeter, NH.  The Pet Pantry was born.


We are so excited to take our store to the next level. We are a small business in a huge market so we always have to think of a way that sets us apart. We already have the very best food, treats and toys on the market, but we have something that the Big Box Stores don’t have. Personal service. We know our customers and we go the extra mile to make sure they are satisfied.

Are you running low on food for your dog? Can’t seem to find time to get to the store and pick it up? No problem. We offer delivery in the local area for a small charge. (or free if your order is over $75)

Do you have a grooming or bathing appointment and are having trouble scheduling it for a time that works best for you? We now offer pickup and delivery of your dog to our local customers.

We firmly believe that our personal service and knowledge will allow us to prosper and we hope to continue serving our loyal customers for years to come.
