Over the last decade Pet Pantry Provisions has worked with customers and veterinarians to address the sometimes complex issues of feeding pets to maximize their health.  Our store provides many dietary options for your pet that we help you determine what is the best option for your pets condition.

During this time Better Than Bones, a line of healthy treats and cookies that are sources locally, made from human grade ingredients was created.  Our customer base had been buying grain free foods, but were unable to acquire treats that support their pets needs.  Visit Better than bones to learn more and to purchase our products.  Visit Better Than Bones Site.

We have also released our Butchers Feast brand as a dehydrated blend allowing us to ship our product in a more cost effective method.  Butchers feast is considered clean eating for your pet.  Our concept is to use the highest quality grass fed proteins with our proprietary mixture blend.  To purchase Butchers Feast products, visit Butchers Feast Site.

Our consulting service allows us to better understand your pets needs and provide you guidance to a solution that will best meet your pets needs.  We have worked diligently with pet owners and their vets to provide dietary solutions to meet your pets needs.  Please contact us for a consulting session.

